Unit 10 Christleton Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1ST, Runcorn
The detached industrial unit constructed in the 1990's is located within the heart of Manor Park, a prime industrial location adjacent to the A558 which provides easy access to J11 and J12 of the M56 motorway and connects with J20 of the M6 Motorway 6 miles East and J11 of the M53 motorway approximately 8 miles West.
38,850 sq ft on 2.5 acres.
Unit 5a and 6a Aragon Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, WA7 1SP, Runcorn
The property comprises a steel truss construction warehouse with part brick/part metal clad elevations beneath an insulated metal decked flat roof, with integral office accommodation, eaves heigh of 5.50m, B1, B2 and B8 permitted use.